ICRH Mozambique trained the community leaders from 3 locations in the Changara district on safe abortion. Our aim is to raise awareness about the law on safe abortion and about the available services at the Health Unit. In rural areas, local leaders have great influence on the communities. By training these leaders we want to reduce the stigma and discrimination still surrounding abortion in local communities.
We trained 50 leaders, including traditional and religious leaders, elders and leaders of initiation rites. “We are very happy to have received this training and to know safe abortion services exist, and that they are legal and free here in our district. We are going to work to reduce the rate of unsafe and illegal abortions, which is still a reality in our district”, said Sandreque Guidione, a third-level leader.
The project started in 2020, initially at the Angónia and Cahora Bassa districts. It is implemented by ICRHM, funded by SAAF, in partnership with the provincial directorate of Health, the provincial Health service and the Health directorates at district level